Tank Floor Mapping (MFL)


Tank Floor Mapping (MFL)

Tank Floor MFL scanning is a non-destructive examination method which uses a magnetic field to detect corrosion and pitting. A powerful magnet is scanned close to the surface to ‘saturate’ the steel with the magnetic field. The scanner is moved over the entire tank bottom surface to provide the required inspection coverage. Technicians interpret the scanner display to identify damaged areas and in some cases, estimate the amount of metal loss. Thickness losses detected by ultrasound are reported and mapped in a CAD rendering of the floor.


  • Fast method for inspecting large areas
  • Minimal set-up time
  • Yields reliable and economic qualitative tank floor assessments. High sensitivity: acceptable sensitivity can be obtained through up to 0.500” of combined steel and coating thickness
  • Requires access to only one side of the material

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ESNADVB for Reliable NDT, Heat Treatment, and Technical Diagnostics Services

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ISO 9001-2016, ISO 45001-2019, ISO 14001-2016 accredited company

NCA Accreditation as per ISO 17025

Employees qualified as per ISO 9712-2012 / PCN / ASNT / CSWIP

Licensed to carryout all advanced / conventional NDT and PWHT

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