Vacuum Testing / Leak Testing


Vacuum Testing / Leak Testing

Leak testing is an NDT method is often used to inspect pressure vessels or vacuum systems. We offer a variety of leak tests, suited to the task at hand. Vacuum ad helium leak testing are the most common.


  • Determines a leak rate based on pressure or vacuum
  • Can calibrate to a volumetric flow
  • Sensitive enough to detect very small leaks
  • Can test in pressure or vacuum environments
  • Reporting of pressure or flow loss

Our company

ESNADVB for Reliable NDT, Heat Treatment, and Technical Diagnostics Services

We provide high quality, reliable and competitive services
according to Clients` expectations and projects requirements

ISO 9001-2016, ISO 45001-2019, ISO 14001-2016 accredited company

NCA Accreditation as per ISO 17025

Employees qualified as per ISO 9712-2012 / PCN / ASNT / CSWIP

Licensed to carryout all advanced / conventional NDT and PWHT

Licensed to operation, transport and storage of Gamma & X-Ray Materials

12 years of Safe services with zero LTI